Creating a Market for Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings

How Governments Can Reduce Carbon Emissions by Implementing ENERGY STAR Buildings Program Elements

The evidence is clear. Our Earth is warming.

Over the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The scientific consensus is that these man-made greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming and climate change. 

In the United States, 40 percent of these greenhouse gases come from the burning of fossil fuels to produce energy to light, heat, cool, and ventilate commercial buildings. In urban areas such as New York City, buildings are responsible for as much as 70% of carbon emissions. 

The United States ENERGY STAR Buildings program demonstrated that existing buildings could, on average, be 30% more energy efficient while continuing to perform without compromise for their owners, managers, and occupants.

This guide is a proven template.

This guide is intended for use by governments, countries, and regional economic organizations that have taken on the challenge of responding to climate change and are seeking practical solutions for addressing its causes and effects.

This 60-page handbook describes how governments can reduce carbon emissions resulting from energy consumption in commercial buildings by creating market demand for energy efficient commercial buildings. It identifies the key program elements implemented by the successful United States Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR Buildings program and describes a strategy that relies on the power of information to create voluntary market demand for energy efficient buildings, without relying on regulations of energy consumption or emissions. At the same time, it’s a strategy that represents a significant opportunity to save money, create jobs, strengthen local economies, support electric grid reliability, and pave the way for a transition to renewable energy sources.   

The guide explains:

  1. How to create and implement the key ENERGY STAR Buildings program elements
  2. Why these program elements will result in the creation of a market for energy-efficient commercial buildings
  3. What organizations are in the best position to implement them

Read an executive summary or download the complete guide now.